What am I trying so hard to attain?

So I’m a part of a group called “Soul School” with Alexi Panos and we’ve been doing a lot of work. Like, A LOT of work. Personal development, looking within, sitting with the discomforts of life and celebrating the magic moments that are in every waking moment we’re alive.

Check it out here if you’re interested in or are so led to digging deep within and discovering who you are and how to become the best version of yourself possible. 😉

Well, anyway. We were in a Facebook Live and the following 2 questions were asked:

1. “What have I been trying to get to and my evolution?”
2. “What has been my destination?”

We were challenged to write down our answers. And then tear them up. To be done with the ridiculousness once and for all, knowing that it’s not real. And that we are just where we need to be. That we are enough.

And, well… As I’m a little embarrassed to tell you what my exact answers were, I’m going to tell you anyway. (Because damnit! I shall not bow down in the face of fear!)

It is honestly very eye-opening for me to put words to what my ambitions have been over the past years of personal development, so here goes…



What is it that I have been trying so hard to attain?

I have literally been trying to become the best version of myself so that I can attain perfection in the sense that I never make a single mistake and that I am seen as perfect and nice and good and the best person all the time

As well as, once achieving this, I’ve believed that I may be able to make ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD! (Because I’m such a good person…)

And, haha!!! How incredibly ridiculous does this sound?! I’m literally rolling on the floor. It’s really hilarious to me.

And it is really good for me to have perspective on this too! And to start retraining and rewiring my brain to believe what is actually true…

Which is this:

I am human. And imperfection IS perfection. The messiness is beautiful.

I will make money when I’m meant to. Not one second before, not one second after.

And I will provide value for others, which will in turn, provide me with some form of value as well! (Whether it be in the form of housing, money, food, etc.)

Personal growth and development is (officially starting now!)  just one strategy to becoming the best version of myself possible in order to help others in the best way possible.

To come back to the truth of who I really am, which is love.

So the question I pose to you is this: What have YOU been seeking, chasing after, trying to attain? What will you write out and rip to shreds?

I challenge you to sit with this for a moment. Write it out.

..And then shred the SHIT out of it!

Just do it!  Because you can.

Thank you for reading!

I love you.

Love always,
❤ Brittany

#WhateverArisesLoveThat #ShredThatShit #Whoohoo #JustDoIt

Just keep moving

It was literally the difference between life and death.

You see, I went for a bike ride.

Gorgeous morning, cool breeze, slight humidity in the air. The sun peaking through the clouds.

One girl. One bike. One trail.

So I’m riding. Wind in my hair, sunshine glistens on my cheeks.

I stumble upon something…

A pool of water. Just sitting there. No movement. No life.

Stagnant. Dirty. Decaying.

A foul odor permeated the air. I couldn’t help but wince.

“Peddle faster.”

So I did.

Another few bends in the road, a beautiful trail among tall trees.

Mostly deciduous. Dancing with the breeze.

Wildlife buzzing through the air. Rustling through the leaves. Magic everywhere.

A tiny concrete bridge, over a tiny flowing brooke.

Ahh… the sound of trickling water.

Soothing, calming.

Fresh air surrounds me. Life abounding.

The MOVEMENT. The flow of the water gliding over the rocks and stones and pebbles.

And it reminded me of this beautiful life. The one that can be as magical as we wish it to be. The one we have (almost) complete control over the outcomes. (At least our perspectives and the meanings we attach to them.)

The choices we choose to make, and the feelings we allow to linger and stay.

And I was reminded of how life is such an ebb and flow.

How we find ourselves in circumstance and opposition, in happiness and joy and love. And if we can just keep moving, everything has the chance to flow evermore gracefully.

We can be so much more radiant. So full of life. And light.

And ultimately, it is WE who get to choose to grow or regress.

To become stronger. Or wiser.

Perhaps we’ll simply settle for a weaker existence. Maybe we’ll dull out.


And if we can learn anything from nature it is the art of flow.

I’m an avid student of life. I learn as I go.

And whatever pain experienced, finding the surprises in the outcomes. Like little lessons tucked away just waiting for me to open them.

So my question is this: What lesson is life offering up to us right now? And how can we master the art of flow in our lives so that we can live it ever more gracefully? More gently?

I love you. You are absolutely wonderful. And beautiful beyond measure.

What’s your soul crying out for today?

So, I went on this bike ride…

and it turned into this poem.

I love you forever,
❤ B

P.S. See what I did there? Forever truly is a long time. But then again, time is merely a feeling. Muah ❤

The art of life

The art of life is love, which can only be found in the stripping away of false things. Love is the innate nature within all of us. It is the process of letting go.

Letting go of the hurt, jealousy, comparison, and self-hate. Letting go of the outdated thought patterns no longer serving us. The pains, frustrations, anger and resentment we harbor deep within our souls.

And once we understand this, when we truly understand that the source of love comes from within, it is then possible to master it. To master the art of love, starting with ourselves.

That’s when the real magic happens.

That’s when we say “I do” to the dance. When we can start living IN the game of life, instead of watching from the sidelines – just waiting to be chosen.

So what if I told you that the magic of life isn’t found in the seeking and finding, but rather quite the opposite?

Because it’s true.

True living happens when we become more present with ourselves and what’s going on around us. It happens when we give more than we take. It’s in the smiles and the laughter. In the tears that tell stories. In the hugs and the highfives.

So what I want to tell myself right now is this:

“Stop waiting.”

Stop waiting for love to find YOU, and give it to others instead.

Stop waiting to open your heart. It may feel uncomfortable, but it is in the discomfort and pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone where you’ll find true progress.

And healing.

And love.


That’s it.

Stop with the waiting.

Start being a REAL player in your own life.

Let go. Let love. And just dance.

I love you more than chocolate,
❤ Brittany

P.S. Notice I said more than chocolate. Now that’s sayin’ a lot!

P.P.S. Isn’t that a freaking INCREDIBLE photo?! If you want more, check out my dear friend Cailin Way’s photography page here! 🙂