The moment of realization


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Just sitting in my chair.

Gorgeous morning.

The breeze flows through the leaves on trees swaying back and forth in one constant motion.

The sun is slightly diminished by the clouds, as if some filter were covering it.

And I sit.

In my chair.

Bundled up in the warmest clothes I could find – gloves and all. A fleece blanket swadling my legs.

I breathe deeply.


and out.

A thought about work pops into my mind, so I allow the thoughts to take up space there, to go where they will. I never know where they’ll lead me, but they generally give me much needed perspective of where I am so far in life and how to get to where I’m going.

I start to think of all the people I work with.

And as I sit here breathing the fresh autumn air that is so abundant in this moment, I become aware of something: I have the ability to connect with each and every person I work with.

Every one of them!

But not only that, the biggest realization will come later. After those thoughts pass. I start feeling lighter.

Because for so many years I have been getting down on myself for not mastering something. Just one thing. Something that I am known for.

I feel sometimes that I am behind or failing somehow in life because I have dabbled in so many things, never focusing on just one area of life. Or work, especially.

And here’s what became the fuel of this post: The biggest realization is that I was supposed to just dabble. In LOTS of things! Because in doing so, I now have the ability to connect on so many different levels with so many different kinds of people!

(So there IS a method to the madness after all..) 🙂

And I am known for something – for positively affecting each person I come into contact with. For inspiring those around me. Loving unconditionally with my whole heart – living a life of compassion.

So let’s try again: Failure?

I think not.

I’m just where I need to be. In fact we ALL are!

I’m doing what I need to do. And I trust that I’ll continue to keep listening, doing what I feel led to do in every moment.

So how about you? What thoughts fill your mind?

I challenge you to dig deep and examine them.

To be present.

To put down the phone. Turn off the T.V. Just sit in silence for a change.

Watch your thoughts. Be consciously aware of them. After all, you may be surprised at what you’ll find. 😉

Thanks so much for reading!

I love you.

I hope this message inspires you to greatness 🙂

With all the energy and joy a heart can hold,
❤ Brittany